This meme truly expresses eBeth and I. :) |
My Birthday cake! |

Where have I been? Last week I didn't post anything! I failed my blog! Chill people! It was my birthday last week. Yep, I'm now old! It's official! Two decades… half way to forty… if that doesn't sound old I don't know what does. ;) I had an amazing birthday though and it was made so amazing by getting to spend it with my family and my good friend eBeth. I had an amazingly delicious chocolate cake that I made and of course ice cream! Obviously my birthday wouldn't be complete without watching my favorite movie
Pride and Prejudice (1995)
and drinking tea!
eBeth stayed the whole week at my house so we had lots of fun watching Jane Austen movies, some Star Wars, and getting hooked on
The Adventures of Merlin. Of course we fit in a bit of Doctor Who too (which by the way I've finally caught up with it!). One of the best parts of the week though was getting to see two of the movies I've really wanted to see in theaters recently….
Frozen, and
Saving Mr. Banks. Hopefully I'll have some reviews out for those soon but until then just know that they were both quite good. I also spent a good bit of time crocheting while we watched our various movies.
I got down with several very cute baby hats. I think they're some of the cutest I've made yet. :) It's been suggested that I set up an Etsy shop and sell them but I'm thinking about maybe selling them instead as a fundraiser for missionaries. I'm not sure yet… I don't' have tons of time and that would be a pretty big time commitment.
A pile of the salt rocks from the museum. |
We also spent an inordinate amount of time coming up with baby names. Several years ago I was obsessed with figuring out baby names and I actually read my parent's baby name book several times. This last week I came up with a new one that is totally geeky and at first I wasn't sure about but now has really grown on me. Wait for it…. Darcie Elizabeth! I know right?!?!?!?!?! You wish you'd thought of it first. The thing is, if she doesn't like Darcie, she can chose from the million different nicknames for Elizabeth. Everyone wins! Now to get it past my future husband…. :(
eBeth and I at the Salt Museum.
Movie paraphernalia is stored there. |
We also went to the Salt Mines for a tour which was quite cool! The salt is strangely beautiful in a way one would never think salt could be. 650 feet below ground is surprisingly very awe inspiring.
My bag full of books I got from my parents' to read. |
To top this all off, this evening I looked through my long list of book challenges I somewhat rashly signed up for and grabbed a bagful of books from my parents house that pertain to the challenges. It took quite awhile to find all of those books and I still can't find our copy of
Gods and Generals. :( However, I was able to hash out more what specific books I'm going to read for the different challenges. I just worked around a bunch of books I've been wanting to read for awhile or I've heard of before. The good thing is that I work at a library and if I can't find a book there then it's a lot easier to pull some strings to get it from some other library. Now if I actually just sat down and read. :( School is starting up in just a week so I'd better crack down on that I'm hoping to use this last week to prepare for the next semester as well as get some last bit of fun movie/TV show watching and reading in. This next semester is going to be very intense, as if the last semester wasn't intense enough! The semester will focus on OB, pedes, and intensive care so it will definitely be different and very interesting. I've considered midwifery so I'm interested to see if I'll like OB. It will be a challenge I'm sure!
Thanks for reading my excessively long post and I hope y'all are having a great month!
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.