Thursday, February 26, 2015


I saw this fun tag over at Bibliophile's Style and I thought I'd participate in it too! :)

  1. How do you keep track of your TBR pile? For the last three years or so I've been really utilizing Goodreads but before that I would always make myself lists or my Dad would make me lists. Honestly, I can't get away from the list thing. I still make myself yearly lists (partially spurred on by the reading challenges I'm participating in) and my Dad still suggests books to me. :)
  2. Is your TBR list mostly print or eBook? Just in the last couple years I've been listening to a lot more audiobooks and even read a few eBooks but mostly (I'd say 90% of the time) I read books in print. Recently, though, I have been immensely enjoying Barbara Caruso's narration of the Anne of Green Gables series.
  3. How do you determine which book from your TBR list to read next? It's mostly mood reading but it depends on the reading challenges I'm signed up for as well.
  4. A book that's been on your TBR list the longest? Probably the last three books of Ralph Moody's Little Britches series. I read all but the last three years and years ago and I've never finished the series. This year though I've got them on my list to finish. 
  5. A book you recently added to your TBR list? Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee. 
  6. A book only our TBR strictly because of it's cover? I don't add books to my TBR list based on their cover. 
  7. A book on your TBR list that you never plan on reading? With how long my TBR list is there probably will be books I never end up reading but I hope not! There are probably some series I'll never get finished just because there's so many of them like the Odd Thomas books, the Ender's Game books, and the Dune books. Besides that, I'm not sure. Probably any more modern books I'll put off longer and may never get to. 
  8. An unpublished book on your TBR list that you are excited for? I'd have to agree with Selah on this one. I'm pretty excited for and intrigued by Harper Lee's Go Set a Watchman. 
  9. A book on your TBR list that basically everyone has read except you? The Golem and the Jinni by Helen Wecker. I'm intrigued to read this. 
  10. A book on your TBR list that everyone recommends to you? Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Everyone raves about this book so good thing I'm planning on reading it this year. 
  11. A book no your TBR list that you're dying to read? Probably Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier or Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. 
  12. How many books are on your Goodreads TBR shelf? Currently: 275. But it's always growing. :) I'm not always keeping up with adding books to my TBR shelf like I should be (insert face of shame here) but I try my best. With starting the 1000 Book List Project, there are a whole bunch more books I need to add to the list that I haven't yet. Someday, when I have more time (lol) I will. ;)
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  1. I've become enamored of eAudio books lately. Now I can read while doing housework and showering! :D I'm also enjoying the Anne books, although I've been listening to Colleen Winton.

    I haven't read The Golem and the Jinni.

    Rebecca and Gone With the Wind are both fabulous!

    1. Oh good! I'm glad someone else hasn't read it. It seems a year ago or so everyone was reading The Golem and the Jinni.
      I've been listening to audiobooks while doing housework and while at work shelving books. It's been awesome! :)

    2. Probably because neither you or I read a lot of new books. :P

      My sister used to listen to audiobooks at work too (she did a lot of filing). She said that she found some audiobooks weren't good to listen to at work because they made her cry!


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