Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Report Card- April 2013

The end of April and almost upon finals. :( Big news! My Grandma was able to come home last Friday! My sister and I have moved in with my grandparents are helping them out. So far it is going great!
Also, some more big news... I got an iPhone!!!!! It's amazing. Just saying. :)
So here is how my month went.

Study!!!- A

I think that I did well on this. I have had a successful month for grades in my various classes and I believe that is a reflection of my studying. 

Read or Re-Read at least 5 books- D

I re-read Northanger Abbey, finished The Silmarillion, and read Far From the Madding Crowd. So only three books. Epic, epic fail. 

Exercise in some form at least three times a week-A

Easily achieved. I still am not fond of exercising but I am getting more used to it.

Stick to my diet-A

As I mentioned in my mid-month progress report after I gave blood it kind of messed me up and I had to eat more. Besides that though I have been really good. I have really gotten into lettuce salads and greek yogurt. I am always trying out new things though so if you have any suggestions about delicious healthy foods let me know! I recently got some hummus and carrots.... which was super good! I also tried some jicima, which is not to everybody's taste but I enjoyed a lot.

Lose 4 Pounds-A

At my mid-month progress report I was worried this wasn't going to happen, but it did! Four pounds gone for good!

Cut down on Computer Time-A

I actually did quite well on this. For me keeping to it was doing little things like when I was at school even though I had my charge cord with me not recharging my computer once it ran out of battery. And other times I just forgot my charge cord... and not on purpose either. Also, I now spend tons of time on my iPhone instead of my computer. That worked really well. 

Write at least three more blog posts this month- A

Easily achieved! I need to up it for next month. I wrote this post that included a recipe for "Healthy" Brownies, this post that was a review of the 1980 version of Pride and Prejudice, this post that just told a little about my life, this post about The Lizzy Bennett Diariesthis post about the 2008 version of Sense and Sensibility, and this post on the 2007 version of Persuasion. So all in all five posts!


I knocked an item off of my Bucket List! I gave blood! 

So all in all a really good month except my book reading. :(
Linking up with Kelli at She Learns as She Goes.

Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.


  1. Congrats, Lois! If you ask me, three books out of five is still pretty good. I didn't have a big desire to read this month either, making four books during April a bit of a challenge.

  2. Congratulations on crossing an item off your bucket list. Donating blood is personal and meaningful. Your blood is going to serve a greater purpose.

    One healthy idea is to make homemade salsa and dip veggies, instead of chips, in it. It's a nice snack.


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