Last evening I read rather a good short story that was in the form of letters. It was called Lady Susan and it is by Jane Austen. I had never personally heard of the short story when I was first given it by a friend who was actually giving me Austen's Persuasion but Lady Susan came with it. I do not know if it is a lesser known work but I think it is not a lesser well written work. Before you jump to conclusions, I do not, would not, ever compare it to Jane Austen's five other novels by a long shot but I still think it is worthy of recognition as an insightful and enjoyable read. Without giving away too much, for I want you to read the short story and if I spoil it you won't want to, I will give a short synopsis of it. Lady Susan focuses on the character of, well... Lady Susan. :) However, unlike in Austen's other novels, Lady Susan is not a honorable woman. She is of gentry status recently widowed with a sixteen-year-old daughter. Lady Susan herself is roughly thirty-five. Her chief crime is that she is a conniving flirt who knows it and doesn't care about the consequences as long as she can continue on as she always has. Her other crime is that she is cruel to her daughter, who, unlike Lady Susan tries to make her out to be, is rather a sweet child. Telling more would give it all away so you'll just have to read it to discover what happens. As I mentioned before, the story is told in the form of letters but it is quite easy to follow. You might want to take an index card and write down the names of the characters and who they are as you read so as to keep them straight. There aren't too many of them but when Lord or Lady is attached to almost every name they all start to look like. Pick it up and read it, you won't regret it.
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Literal 24-Hour Six Day Creation
I am a Christian, which you have probably noticed if you have read my blog at all. I believe in a literal 24-hour six day creation and I am going to explain why. In a later blog post I will try to take the time to explain why I believe in creation at all but for today I am going to focus on the controversies surrounding a literal six day creation. I am not a scientist so my knowledge is stolen from multiple CMI (Creation Ministries International) and AIG (Answers In Genesis) videos and articles as well as from Apologetics Press's articles. I will include the links to all of the articles I use at the bottom of this post and will put in quotations anything that is not in my own words. I hope that as I am a non-scientist, my arguments will be clear to everyone.
To begin with, why do theistic evolutionists even doubt the literal 24-hour six day creation account in Genesis 1? According to an article posted on Creation Ministries International's website, "If people use Scripture to try to justify that the days of creation are long periods of time, they usually quote passages such as 2 Peter 3:8, ‘… one day is with the Lord as a thousand years …’. Because of this, they think the days could be a thousand years, or perhaps even millions of years. However, if you look at the rest of the verse, it says, ‘… and a thousand years as one day’. This cancels out their argument! The context of this passage concerns the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. This particular verse is telling people that with God, waiting a day is like waiting a thousand years, and waiting a thousand years is like waiting a day because God is outside of time—He is not limited by natural processes and time. This has absolutely nothing to do with defining the days of creation. There is no reference in this passage to the days of creation."
Theistic evolutionists will make the claim that the 6 days of creation depicted in Genesis 1 were not literal 24-hour days. However, there is a great deal of evidence that refutes this already rather far out claim. "Yom", the Hebrew word used for day in the Bible, when used with a numeral in front of the word always means a literal 24-hour day. In Genesis 1, there is ALWAYS a numeral in front of the word day. Also as Apologetics Press says, "The words “evening” and “morning” are used together in the Old Testament with the word yom over 100 times in non-prophetic passages, and each time they refer to a 24-hour day. Furthermore, if the “days” of Genesis 1:14, were “eons of time,” then what were the years? And, if a “day” is an “age,” then what is a “night”?" In Mark 10:6 and Matthew 19:4, Jesus teaches that God created them male and female from the beginning. A non-literal 24-hour six day creation is also a scientific impossibility because, as Apologetics Press says, "...if the “days” of Genesis were not days at all, but long geological periods, then a problem of no little consequence arises in the field of botany. Plants came into existence on the third day (Genesis 1:9-13). If the days of Genesis 1 were long geological ages, how did plant life survive millions of years of total darkness? Also, how would the plants that depend on insects for pollination have survived the supposed millions or billions of years between “day” three and “day” five (when insects were created)." Answers in Genesis, in an article on their website say, "... in Exodus 20:8–11 God commanded the Israelites to work six literal “days” and rest on the seventh because He created in six “days” (using the same Hebrew word)." Again we see the impossibilities of theistic evolution being true.
I will close with some words from Apologetics Press, "Finally, one must ask, if God wanted us to know that He created the world in six literal days, what words would He have used? Or if a person wanted to explain to someone else that God created all things in a literal six days, what words would he use? The answer?—the exact words used in Genesis 1."
If you have any questions about a literal 24-hour six day creation take a look at these great articles, which I posted the links to below and/or go to Creation Ministries International's, Answers in Genesis's, or Apologetic Press's websites for more such articles. Hail to the King!
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
To begin with, why do theistic evolutionists even doubt the literal 24-hour six day creation account in Genesis 1? According to an article posted on Creation Ministries International's website, "If people use Scripture to try to justify that the days of creation are long periods of time, they usually quote passages such as 2 Peter 3:8, ‘… one day is with the Lord as a thousand years …’. Because of this, they think the days could be a thousand years, or perhaps even millions of years. However, if you look at the rest of the verse, it says, ‘… and a thousand years as one day’. This cancels out their argument! The context of this passage concerns the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. This particular verse is telling people that with God, waiting a day is like waiting a thousand years, and waiting a thousand years is like waiting a day because God is outside of time—He is not limited by natural processes and time. This has absolutely nothing to do with defining the days of creation. There is no reference in this passage to the days of creation."
Theistic evolutionists will make the claim that the 6 days of creation depicted in Genesis 1 were not literal 24-hour days. However, there is a great deal of evidence that refutes this already rather far out claim. "Yom", the Hebrew word used for day in the Bible, when used with a numeral in front of the word always means a literal 24-hour day. In Genesis 1, there is ALWAYS a numeral in front of the word day. Also as Apologetics Press says, "The words “evening” and “morning” are used together in the Old Testament with the word yom over 100 times in non-prophetic passages, and each time they refer to a 24-hour day. Furthermore, if the “days” of Genesis 1:14, were “eons of time,” then what were the years? And, if a “day” is an “age,” then what is a “night”?" In Mark 10:6 and Matthew 19:4, Jesus teaches that God created them male and female from the beginning. A non-literal 24-hour six day creation is also a scientific impossibility because, as Apologetics Press says, "...if the “days” of Genesis were not days at all, but long geological periods, then a problem of no little consequence arises in the field of botany. Plants came into existence on the third day (Genesis 1:9-13). If the days of Genesis 1 were long geological ages, how did plant life survive millions of years of total darkness? Also, how would the plants that depend on insects for pollination have survived the supposed millions or billions of years between “day” three and “day” five (when insects were created)." Answers in Genesis, in an article on their website say, "... in Exodus 20:8–11 God commanded the Israelites to work six literal “days” and rest on the seventh because He created in six “days” (using the same Hebrew word)." Again we see the impossibilities of theistic evolution being true.
I will close with some words from Apologetics Press, "Finally, one must ask, if God wanted us to know that He created the world in six literal days, what words would He have used? Or if a person wanted to explain to someone else that God created all things in a literal six days, what words would he use? The answer?—the exact words used in Genesis 1."
If you have any questions about a literal 24-hour six day creation take a look at these great articles, which I posted the links to below and/or go to Creation Ministries International's, Answers in Genesis's, or Apologetic Press's websites for more such articles. Hail to the King!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Reflections on an Evening Well Spent
Last evening my family sat down and watched a movie with popcorn and honey baked apples with custard sauce (I made them and they were delicous). It was great just relaxing in this manner, especially with the great movie we were watching- Life With Father, which I highly reccomend. I suppose that having your siblings quoting half the movie as it is playing can be quite annoying, but I also found it made it just that much better. It made me remember why I loved that movie so much. It also reminded me what those movie lines were from that I kept quoting, but couldn't recall the origin of. That's what happens when you quote so many movie lines; they all get jumbled up. Looking back on my evening spent with family and good food, I must say it is a wonderful precurser to the Christmas holiday. With everyone in school at work it has been hard to pull us all together in one spot for a few minutes. That taste of family togetherness was marvelous and I am hungry for more. With the Christmas holiday looming on the horizon, I look forward to more family time spent eating Christmas goodies and watching old favorites.
What are you looking forward to with the Christmas holiday coming up?
Sunday, November 20, 2011
For a Change... A Recipe!!!
I am sure you are all sick of my novelette, so I am going to post a recipe today instead. (Don't tell anyone but the real reason why I am doing this is because I ran out of time to write more on the novelette.)
The recipe is for peanut butter cookies. It is really easy and quite helpful when you have to make something last minute. One of its bonus features is its small number of ingredients. So anyways, here is the recipe and enjoy!!!
Peanut Butter Cookies
1. One egg
2. One cup of peanut butter (crunchy or creamy it doesn't matter)
3. One cup of sugar
Beat egg and then add peanut butter and sugar. Mix and then drop onto greased pan. Back at 350˚ for 10-12 minutes. Let set on the pan a couple minutes before taking off so they don't go SPLAT. ;) Then you may eat them. :)
Makes: 30 Cookies
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Good description in a novel slips in almost unnoticed but very much appreciated. It gives you pictures in your mind that may never be forgotten. In a fantasy the writer will have worked even harder to portray its strange and mythical creatures to his reader in a way he will understand, making the picture so much more unique. Description helps the novel to flow, like a river. Whether the river will be smooth and memorable or choppy and confusing, depends on the description's quality. Like the current of the river, good description pulls the book through, creating a timeless classic.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Another Book Review- This Present Darkness Series
Recently I finished re-reading (for the umpteenth time) Frank Peretti's two novels- This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness. I will say right off that I do not agree with everything Mr. Peretti presents in his two novels. This stated, let me go in to what I do like about his novels. These two books depict a very real picture of what a spiritual battle looks like. They have demons, and they have angels. While I wouldn't say that the spiritual battles depicted in the series is exactly what happens, they give a very eyeopening account that really makes you think about the reality of demons and angels as depicted in the scripture. The two books really make you think about the power of prayer and God's command for us to "pray with out ceasing." If you have not previously read these two books I highly recommend them. They are well written, riveting, beautiful, and thought provoking. I have not read any of his other novels so I cannot recommend them, though I have heard that others of his works have some odd theology. So grab a cup of tea and enjoy! God bless!
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Tea and Other Great Thoughts
Due to my recent cold, I have been given a marvelous excuse to drink tea; a hobby I have been lax on recently. For the past few days I have been drinking three or more cups. I really think I might be repenting from my lapse of coffee drinking and returning to tea. Probably is better for me anyways. I have now been putting honey in my tea, instead of sugar, which tastes oh so much better. If you haven't tried it you should. It is also healthier that way, not that I care too much. I love making a cup of tea and curling up in my bed with a good book, or, for right now, my anatomy flash cards and charts. It gives me kind of a homey feeling, especially on a cold gloomy day. As we move towards colder weather and snow, a good book and tea sounds especially good.
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
Monday, October 17, 2011
New Blog Title?
It has been suggested I change my blog title, but I don't want to throw everyone off so they can't ever find my blog again. The question is, what should I change my blog title to? I have already had one suggestion that, while quite funny, will not appear on my blog. Anyways, if you have any ideas for a new blog title or if you like it just the way it is feel free to comment with suggestions. Also, are there any specific topics you want me to write on? If so, comment with your ideas.
Have a great day!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Why I Love Jane Austen's Novels: Favorite Characters, Favorite Lines, and Favorite Everything!
Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors. I could almost say she is my favorite but there are so many other great authors it seems wrong to. She did write my favorite book though, Pride and Prejudice. As she is one my favorite authors, I thought it only appropiate to dedicate a blog post to her. First off, I don't look at Jane Austen's novels as romance novels. Wanted to clear that up first. I don't read romance novels, and if her novels were I wouldn't read them. Jane Austen's novels have a lot more to them then romance. They have wit and wisdom, good and evil, and important Christian values ingrained into them that make them so much more then romance novels.With that in mind, I would like to add that Jane Austen's novels are not just for girls. Boys can and do read Austen's novels. Peter Leithart Ph.D. says in his book Minitures and Morals: The Christian Novels of Jane Austen, "Real men read Austen." I have brothers who enjoy Austen, my dad enjoys Austen, and I know of other men who do as well, Peter Leithart Ph.D. being one of them. "Real men read Austen."So let's talk a little about the characters of Austen's books. Austen's novels have many well crafted characters, some good some evil, that will always be remembered. It is so hard to select a favorite hero or heroine, Austen has created such unforgetable charecters in all her books. I love all of her heros and heroines. Heros that really stand out to me though would be Mr. Knightely from Emma, Colonel Brandon from Sense and Sensibility, and Henry Tilney from Northanger Abbey. I think Jane Austen created her heros and heroines to complement each other, which I think is done perfectly in the examples of these three men. Mr. Knightely's wisdom is just what Emma Woodhouse needed to curb her domineering and impulsive ways. Colonel Brandon's age and experience is just what Marianne Dashwood needed to complement her youth and inexperience. Henry Tilney's discernment is exactly what naive Catherine Morland needed to guide her. My ideal husband would be some combination of those three men, especially Mr. Knightley. My favorite heroines are Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice, Anne Elliot from Persuasion, Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility, and Fanny Price from Mansfield Park. A combination of those women is what I would so want to be. I want Elizabeth Bennett's wit, but not prejudiceness, Anne Elliot's patience and kindness, Elinor Dashwood's forebarance and patience, and Fanny Price's sweetness and kindness.There are a million and one favorite lines from Austen I have. My family and I quote them incessently. A lot of them happen to be from Pride and Prejudice, which is probably because we watch and read that one the most. Let me note here that we watch the five hour BBC Pride and Prejudice and would NEVER watch the newer two hour version because it makes a romance story out of it and you just CAN'T cram that long of a book into two hours and make a good movie. One of my brother's favorite lines from Pride and Prejudice is when Elizabeth Bennett says, "I am happier even then Jane; She only only smiles, I laugh." A favorite quote for my mother is when Mr. Bennett (Pride and Preujdice again) says, "I am going into my study and I'm not to be disturbed." Wonder why that would be her favorite line. :) My favorite quote from Jane Austen's novels is the opening line from Pride and Prejudice, "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in a possesion of a large fortune must be in want of a wife." Classic, enough said.So that is why I love Jane Austen's novels. Why do you?Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Confrontations That Have Taught Me
Senior year is probably a pretty hectic year normally, however, when you top it off with taking thirteen dual credit hours at the local community college it steps up to a whole new level of hectic. I have to say I am enjoying it though, despite it sometimes being a bit of a culture shock. My whole time at BCC has been very interesting. I have met people I will never forget, some because of how much they annoyed me but other because of how good of friends they were. As a Christian, I was for about the first time confronted with people who disagreed with my religous views. Thankfully, I had parents and a church that had well prepared me for confrontation.
My first confontation was with my lab partner in my basic chemistry class. I found out he was homeschooled also and, as most homeschoolers are, I asked him if he was a Christian. I was surprised to hear a negative response. Well I asked him what he did belive then. His answers were very wide and distorted. However, his main points were, he belived there was a "god" but he didn't belive we could know anything about him (kind of like a deist), and he belived that this "god" had set off evolution. However, he did say that he didn't believe evolution was logical, but it was cooler then creation, so he chose to believe it. I realized about then that he was really illogical. In fact, he told me he was really logical. I figured that was about he only logical thought he'd ever had. My lab partner and I had many discussion about religion and evolution and I found it very difficult to engage in these conversations mostly for the reason that he was extremly illogica and couldn't follow my reasoning. I will admit, I am not great logician, but I do know the basics, which was more then I could say for him. However, despite our many arguments, my lab partner and I still remained friendly towards each other. If I had felt like it was really aggravating him, I probably would have stopped.
My second confrontation was with my Comp 1 teacher. You may have read my blog post "Is Language Sexist." That was him. He seemed like a pretty nice guy when I first started taking his class. A warning signal went up in my mind though even the first day, though I tried to disregard it. The whole class was introducing themselves and we shared our favorite book/movie. Well my favorite book has always been Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. My teacher said (something like this), "Oh yes, Jane Austen writes really good books about young women moving past the rules of society to get what the truly want." I about gagged. If Jane Austen's novels had been about that I never would have read them. This rather feminist remark though was just a taster of what was to come. I am not going to restate what was in "Is Language Sexist," you can check it out for yourself but that was a whole big "issue" we talked about. Anyways, I had the whole "Is Language Sexist," his talks about homosexuality being okay, and his thoughts on decriminalizing prostitution. Sometimes the class's discussions on the decriminalizing of prostitution turned disgusting and/or disturbing, which really aggravated and shocked me. I really was wondering sometimes if I was in the right class. It sure didn't seem like a Comp 1 class to me. The worst part of the whole discussions was that my Comp 1 teacher would always bring up the subject, pretend he wasn't sharing his opinions, ask our opinions, bash our opinions, and then say he wasn't bashing our opinions.
These two confrontations were very frustrating at times but as I look back I think they also taught me. If I could go back in time I would get a different Comp 1 teacher, but I would stay with my basic chem class plus lab partner. Yes those two experiences taught me a lot, but while one of them was more on a friendly level, the other was just ridiculous and oftentimes disgusting and disturbing. Did they teach me? Yes they did. Would I repeat them? Maybe one, but not the other.
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Calvin and Hobbes: The More Times You Read It the Better It Gets
Well first off, I love Calvin and Hobbes. I loved them ever since I first started reading them about eight years ago or so. At first I loved them because I found them humorous (of course), and then I began to see other great aspects to them. It is amazing how much Bill Waterson was able to insert great elements of philosophy and theology into this simple comic strip. One of my favorites is when Calvin is talking to Hobbes about how he had a test in school that day and he couldn't decide whether to cheat on the test or not. Hobbes asks him what he ended up doing and Calvin says he ran out of time, the bell rang and he ended up handing in a blank paper. "Anyways," he adds, "It just seemed wrong to cheat on an ethics test." It is a humorous but thought provoking strips like that that I love to read. However, beware giving your younger children these as there is some slight bad language in them. Besides that, though, I would whole heartedly recommend them. I enjoy them especially when I don't feel well and I really need a good laugh to put me in better spirits.
Monday, October 3, 2011
The River
This is my descriptive paper I wrote for Comp 1. I think this is the most updated version I have but it may not be. So beware, there may be a few errors. :) However, this is my favorite paper and I hope you like it as much as I do.
The River
Everybody has a favorite place to sit and think. Mine is the river. In the evening on a warm spring day I’ll set myself on one of the trees overhanging the river and allow myself to sink into the mood of my surroundings. An occasional hawk cry or owl hoot will add the background music, paired with the gentle rippling sound of water flowing over rocks. Here I am far away from the shouts of my parents and siblings, immersed in my own world that flows as gently as the river beneath me. Eventually I will give in, remove my shoes, and slip my feet into the cool, clear water. Memories of my childhood, and splashing in this very river, will make a chill of joy run through my body. The water will tickle my toes and I will laugh like a child, a child delighted with the beauty of simplicity and peace.
Sometimes I will close my eyes and just listen to the wind in the massive oaks above me. Other times I will watch my surroundings, taking in the green of the grass and the blueness of the sky. A splash of water around the bend never fails to startle me, though I know it is only a fish. When I stare into the river it is so clear I can see the rocks at the bottom. If I am lucky, I will also see tadpoles, minnows, or crawdads. Fear of the crawdads vicious pinchers will cause me to raise my feet from the water. Experience has taught me.
Slowly, so as not to overbalance, I will lay back on the log, staring in to the sky. If it is one of those rare, perfect days, it will be an ideal sky blue, there will be a few clouds scattered about, and the warm sun will slowly be making its colorful descent from the heavens. Her I will sigh; my mind will drop, descending with the sun. My eyelids will droop shut and my hand will drop limply into the river.
I will awake a couple hours later to a whole new world, but one I love equally as much as the one I fell asleep to. The breeze will have cooled as well as quickened. The branches of the trees will make dark waving silhouettes against the gray sky. Eeriness will have been added to the atmosphere, and an owl hoot will have more sinister tones. The sounds of crickets and frogs cause shudders to run up my spin, I find it so easy to scare myself. Thunder will break the spectral silence and lightning will capture my gaze. An angry torrent of rain will rouse me off of the tree. It will be time to go home, but I will always be back again to taste the beauty of the peace and simplicity of the river.
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Is Language Sexist?
"Is language sexist?" That is what my comp 1 teacher asked the class. My teacher went on to explain his point by putting up on the board "proof." For example, you can't use "she" without "he", "woman" without "man", female with out male. Personally, I hadn't really thought about it. But when I did, I realized it all made sense. In Genesis 2:22-23 it says, "The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” If you look at the "is language sexist" issue with biblical glasses it all makes sense. Woman is called woman because she was taken out of man. Anyone who wants to dispute this is going against God's word. My Comp 1 teacher DID dispute this when I gave this simple explanation. He (yes this was a male teacher) said, "Well the Bible was written by men so we can't trust what it says, that automatically makes it sexist" (that's a paraphrase but essentially that was what he was saying). I had never heard anyone say that before and frankly I was shocked. "The Bible is the inspired Word of God," I said. "The men that scribed the Bible were divinely inspired by God. It was not their word but God's Word." I didn't figure anyone could dispute that argument. However, my teacher did. "But it was written by man." We went back and forth for some time about this. It shocked me how illogical one can be when they don't want to accept the obvious truth. Anyone that says the Bible is not the divinely inspired Word of God has every reason not to trust it. However, the Bible IS the divinely inspired Word of God and we can trust it. So is language sexist? NO!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Evolution, it makes me laugh...
You can tell it is summer because instead of being outside in the heat I am inside with the air conditioner. A record high was set the other day in Kansas, which didn't manage to thrill me to much. Why not a record low? However, throughout the sweltering temperatures and dry grass, I can still see God shining through nature. Summers like these remind us whose in control; we don't have authority over the weather, only God does. This weekend I had the amazing privilege to attend the Heartland Creation Conference where Dr. Jonathan Safarti spoke on how it is utter foolishness to believe in the myth of evolution for "the heavens declare the glory of God." One thing he said over and over again that really was at the core of the issue was "you can't prove the bible with science; you have to prove science with the bible." His point was, if you put science as a higher authority over the bible you are saying that what God said isn't as important as the deductions of fallible scientists. Man is evil, born in sin, and will make any excuse it can conceive to get out of obeying the one true God, even something as utterly ridiculous as evolution. Today evolution is taught in the schools as truth. That's putting it as an equal to the bible right there. In "Expelled", when Richard Dawkins (notorious Evolutionists and author of "The Greatest Show on Earth" which by the way was refuted in Dr. Jonathan Safarti's book "The Greatest Hoax on Earth") is pushed back and pushed back as to where the first life came from he finally has to resort to (get this, it is too funny) aliens! Aliens? That's how silly the whole evolution movement is. They have no evidence so they have to say aliens. Intelligent men saying aliens? You can laugh with me if you want. Now, I am not a scientist, or anywhere close, but I do know one thing, you can't get something from nothing and the evolution movement, well it makes me laugh...
By the way, where did the aliens come from? :)
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
By the way, where did the aliens come from? :)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Bridling our Tongues
After a long cold winter spring is finally here... in Kansas that is!!! :) The red bud tree and the lilac bushes are bursting with color and there is even talk of putting in a garden this week!!! This has got to be the best season of the year... as long as there aren't any tornadoes. :)
Today in Sunday school we were talking about the last judgement. One of the things we talked about in relation to that was how everything we say is going to be taken into account when God judges us. To me that is a very scary concept. I know I have heard it a million times but somehow I just tend to forget it when it comes to having conversations with people. It is so easy to let slip a foolish or mean word when I am talking. It is something that needs to be on my mind all of the time so that I do not forget. However, I tend to let other things be on my mind such as worldly pleasures. When I was thinking about this I realized that I would be able to be more careful of my words and be paying more attention to what I say if I was not concentrating so much on the pleasures of this world and more on the pleasures of God. Man's chief end is to glorify God. So really, it comes down to how much easier it is to worship God if you are thinking of Him, instead of the things of this world. I know I am not the only person that struggles with this and so I hope this will be helpful to others.
Have a great spring!
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
Today in Sunday school we were talking about the last judgement. One of the things we talked about in relation to that was how everything we say is going to be taken into account when God judges us. To me that is a very scary concept. I know I have heard it a million times but somehow I just tend to forget it when it comes to having conversations with people. It is so easy to let slip a foolish or mean word when I am talking. It is something that needs to be on my mind all of the time so that I do not forget. However, I tend to let other things be on my mind such as worldly pleasures. When I was thinking about this I realized that I would be able to be more careful of my words and be paying more attention to what I say if I was not concentrating so much on the pleasures of this world and more on the pleasures of God. Man's chief end is to glorify God. So really, it comes down to how much easier it is to worship God if you are thinking of Him, instead of the things of this world. I know I am not the only person that struggles with this and so I hope this will be helpful to others.
Have a great spring!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Sara, Dan, Tim and I have spent half the afternoon shoveling snow! :( Not the most enjoyable experience! However, when one is able to come inside to hot chicken soup and of course a cup of tea, it doesn't seem quite so bad. I would like to share an absolutely superbly delicious recipe (obviously this an extra special recipe)!!!
Apple Cinnamon Rolls
1 recipe sweet roll dough
1/4 C. butter, softened
1 1/2 C. finely chopped apples
1 C. sugar
1/2 C. chopped pecans
1 tsp. cinnamon
Prepare dough. When ready to shape, divide dough in half. Roll out each half into a 9X12 “ rectangle. Spread with butter. Combine finely chopped apples, sugar, pecans and cinnamon. Sprinkle over dough. Roll up the long way so it is 12” long. Cut into 1 inch pieces and place them into a 9X13” pan sliced side down. Let rise until doubled, about 30 minutes. Bake about 20 minutes in 350˚ oven. Drizzle with powdered sugar icing. Best when warm but also good when made Saturday night and eaten for a special Sunday morning breakfast. Makes two 9 X13 pans.
You can serve my apple cinnamon rolls with what else but a hot cup of apple cinnamon tea! Apple cider would also be tasty with these.
Well enjoy baking and have a wonderful day!
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tea, History, and Snow!
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A Good Book and a Cup of Tea
There is nothing like a good book and a cup of tea, especially on those cloudy and gloomy days. My friend Beth calls those Jane Austen days. You curl up on the couch with a blanket, cup of tea, and a Jane Austen book. So for my first post I would like to recommend just that. Grab your favorite Jane Austen book, a cup of steaming hot tea, and indulge in fifteen minutes of wit and humor. If you have never read a Jane Austen book then I would recommend starting with her very best Pride and Prejudice. For me I will curl up by our wood burning stove, with a couple blankets, a cup of hot peach tea, and... well I am not sure yet which Jane Austen book to choose. :)
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
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