Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dominion- Family Game

For Christmas this year my siblings and I got the game Dominion from our parents.  We had heard a lot about it and were really excited to get this new game.  We started out playing it and thought, "This is pretty fun."  Then one day my Dad asked to play.  Nothing could have surprised us more because the kind of games our Dad normally plays are word games (ones that he can pulverize us at).  Well naturally we were let him play, wondering what he would think of it.  Fast forward to the present and Dominion has become THE family game.  Every evening, or just about, most of my family will sit down to play Dominion, which has now grown due to my Dad loving it so much that he had to get two of the extensions (we are working on getting a third extension).  While on the surface Dominion seems like just a normal card game of luck and chance it really isn't.  Strategy is key (which is why I only win a quarter of the time).  That is probably what caught my Dad when he first played.  What is also really great about it is that everyone in my family can play.  My youngest siblings is eight and he plays and sometimes wins.  While it may contain lots of strategy, it is also just a lot of fun.  Another plus is that it takes less than an hour, which is another reason it is a wonderful family game. 
If you have never heard of Dominion check it out on Amazon and see all of the rave reviews about it.  It has five stars for a good reason.  Who knows, it may become your family's favorite. :)

Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.


  1. Is that the game you were trying to get me to play or is it another one?


  2. I think my brothers would love that game!


  3. Knowing what little I know of them, I would agree. :)

  4. Do you have any other games that you'd recommend? Especially word games and or speed games.

  5. Quiddler, Boggle, Banannagrams (but you already know that one), I assume you have played Scrabble. We got a new game this year called Anomia which is fun. Can't really think of much else. :)

  6. Thanks! We'll have to get some of those.



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