Now here's the Reading Habits Book Tag I saw on another blog. I do love a good tag. :)
Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
Normally I read in my bed but sometimes a comfy chair does the trick.
Bookmark or random piece of paper?
Bookmark normally but I've utilized many random pieces of paper when I was short a bookmark before.
Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/a certain amount of pages?
In the past I always had to finish the chapter but in the last few years I've gotten better at just putting the book down, though it still isn't easy.
Do you eat or drink while reading?
It depends but not normally.
Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?
No! I can multitask with some things but not with reading. Unless it's an audiobook but that's kind of a different scenario.
One book at a time or several?
I normally have several going anymore though it used to be only one at a time. I normally have one normal book and one audiobook at the same time at least but oftentimes more than that.
Reading at home or everywhere?
Growing up we had to take a book whenever we were going anywhere to read in the car or else we would actually get in trouble. Because of that mentality I normally have a book with me when I go somewhere but I'm not as strict about that as I used to be.
Reading out loud or silently in your head?
Unless I'm reading to someone I'm reading silently in my head.
Do you read ahead or even skip pages?
Never! It really annoys me when people do that and I have two close relatives that do that.... they're lucky I still claim them as relatives. ;)
Breaking the spin or keeping it like new?
I own very few new books so normally I don't have to make that decision. Most of my books are beautifully worn already. The couple new books I do have I really don't take the trouble to keep like new as the whole point of having a book is to read it and to break it in.
Do you write in your books?
No! I have highlighted or underlined in non-fiction books before but even then very rarely.
It feels good to be blogging again even if it's just this one post for now. I am trying to keep up with y'all in the blogosphere but sorry if I miss anything!
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