You may have noticed my gadget that lists my favorite sites and you may be wondering what they all are. Therefore, whether you may be wondering or not, I am going to tell you and encourage you to check them all out.
The first one is Answers in Genesis. This is the website for the Christian non-profit organization called Answers in Genesis. You may know them for the Creation museum they started up in Kentucky. On this website you can find many links to articles about creation versus evolution as well as buy books or audios about creation versus evolution.
The second link on the sidebar is Apologetics Press. This is a great website with many very helpful articles about several different issues including creation versus evolution, homosexuality, different world religions, and theological issues. I have found this website to be very useful when I need to look up information about some issue.
Blog and Mablog is the website for Douglas Wilson, a pastor and author from Idaho. On his blog he shares about many world view issues and his thoughts on theology plus much more.
Brink the Books is a blog by four men who share about a variety of different subjects from books to worldview issues. I often find a nice bit of humor there when I am down.
Creation Ministires International is a creation oriented orginization composed of several acclaimed scientists based out of Austrilia. It has much of the same information available on Answers in Genesis but both are very good resources.
Femina is a blog run by the wife of the aforementioned Douglas Wilson, Nancy Wilson, as well as her two daughters and daugther-in-law. They post on the cute happenings at their houses', a woman's role, and much more.
The next link is to I Spy Animals, which I mentioned in an earlier post. It has lots of information and pictures on many different and unique animals. It is kid friendly but also fun for adults.
Movieology is a website sponsored by American Vision. It provides movie reviews with an emphasis on looking at worldviews. I have found it very helpful when wanting to check out a new movie that is in theaters.
The Rabbit Room is a online group of authors and songwriters who post about books, movies, and many more interesting topics. They're writing is really beautiful and insightful and I definitely encourage you to check this one out.
The Way Home is the blog of Mary Pride and her daughter Sarah Pride. Mary Pride is the homeschooling mother of nine children and the author of the book
The Way Home. They share about a women's role, marriage, and much more.
So that is all of them. Check them out and enjoy!
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.