You can tell it is summer because instead of being outside in the heat I am inside with the air conditioner. A record high was set the other day in Kansas, which didn't manage to thrill me to much. Why not a record low? However, throughout the sweltering temperatures and dry grass, I can still see God shining through nature. Summers like these remind us whose in control; we don't have authority over the weather, only God does. This weekend I had the amazing privilege to attend the Heartland Creation Conference where Dr. Jonathan Safarti spoke on how it is utter foolishness to believe in the myth of evolution for "the heavens declare the glory of God." One thing he said over and over again that really was at the core of the issue was "you can't prove the bible with science; you have to prove science with the bible." His point was, if you put science as a higher authority over the bible you are saying that what God said isn't as important as the deductions of fallible scientists. Man is evil, born in sin, and will make any excuse it can conceive to get out of obeying the one true God, even something as utterly ridiculous as evolution. Today evolution is taught in the schools as truth. That's putting it as an equal to the bible right there. In "Expelled", when Richard Dawkins (notorious Evolutionists and author of "The Greatest Show on Earth" which by the way was refuted in Dr. Jonathan Safarti's book "The Greatest Hoax on Earth") is pushed back and pushed back as to where the first life came from he finally has to resort to (get this, it is too funny) aliens! Aliens? That's how silly the whole evolution movement is. They have no evidence so they have to say aliens. Intelligent men saying aliens? You can laugh with me if you want. Now, I am not a scientist, or anywhere close, but I do know one thing, you can't get something from nothing and the evolution movement, well it makes me laugh...
By the way, where did the aliens come from? :)
Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.
By the way, where did the aliens come from? :)