
Sunday, August 31, 2014

It's Monday (And September)... What are you reading?

This week was my last week of the Beat the Heat readathon so I tried to keep up with my reading with that as well as prepare for my first test of the semester. I'm not sure that was the best idea but...


  • Bridge on the River Kwai by Pierre Boulle
I enjoyed this book a lot. Before I started it I thought it would be pretty boring but oh my it wasn't! It kept me entertained the whole way through and I almost read it in one day. There is a movie of it too that I know I watched a long time ago but I don't recall that I hear is quite good also. I look forward to watching it sometime soon. 

Currently Reading

  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
  • Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
  • The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
Peter Pan and Harry Poter and the Order of the Phoenix are re-reads, though Peter Pan I haven't read in many years and I scarcely recalled. I am really liking this re-read though. It is a very British book. :) 

Coming Soon 

  • The Book of Lost Tales Part II by J.R.R. Tolkien
I read the first part back at the beginning of July and enjoyed it but then didn't get around to reading the second part and I'd like to get it done so I can return them to their rightful owner (i.e. not me). 

Checked out from the library 

  • Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen
  • Christian Love by Hugh Binning
  • The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes
  • The Rare Christian Jewel of Christian Contentment
I asked my brother to pick me out some books from the church library by dead authors as one of my reading challenges is to read books by dead Christian authors. So he ended up loading me up with these four books, which all but the first one are by Puritans so they're quite dead. ;)

Book Reviews Posted this Week

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  1. Interesting variety of books on your stack. I hope you enjoy them all. Happy reading!

  2. I really like the movie version of The Bridge on the River Kwai, but I saw it with my dad as a kid so there's a nostalgia factor there too. I do think it's quite good though. Have never read the book, but am curious about it. I've never read The Time Machine either but again, like the movie version a bit. Guess there's a pattern here! :)

    I haven't read The Book of Lost Tales but do have Unfinished Tales and like that a lot, it's fun to get it out and read parts of it from time to time. Adds a lot to my enjoyment of Lord of the Rings, those extra details.

    1. I love the mythology that Tolkien created for Middle Earth. It was shown in The Silmarillion but I feel is even more strongly shown in The Book of Lost Tales.
      I haven't read the Unfinished Tales yet but it's on my lost for the future. :)
      Thanks for stopping by. :)

  3. I love the variety of your books, and the classics. Don't see some of them on your list being read as often anymore.

    1. Thank you! I dearly wish people would read more of them rather than some of the other literature being put out nowadays.

    2. I completely agree, I have to make a pact to read more. I try to read one or two a month at least, mostly it's childhood favorites that I end up reading, nostalgia:)


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