
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Top Ten Book Characters that would be Sitting at my Lunch Table (back to school theme)

I've been back to school for two weeks now! This back to school thing is a lie! ;)
Here are my top ten book characters that I would be super duper happy to have sitting at my lunch table. Maybe not all of them at the same time though. :)

  1. Elizabeth Bennett- From Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
  2. Henry Tilney- From Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey
  3. Mr. Knightley- From Jane Austen's Emma (I would be able to have a serious conversation with all three of these Austen characters listed here and above but they would still interject witty comments in occasionally to make me laugh.)
  4. Bertie Wooster- From P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster novels (Who knows what Bertie will say!) 
  5. Anne Shirley- From L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables series 
  6. Bilbo Baggins- From J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings (His stories, songs and poetry will be one of my favorite parts of the table conversation)
  7. Sherlock Holmes- From Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories (He'll annoy everyone at the table with making deductions about them.)
  8. Mr. Collins- From Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (I know he's really annoying but he's also really funny because of that!)
  9. Mr. Bennet- From Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (He'll mostly sit and listen but every once and a while he'll pop up with a witty comment that will make me laugh.)
  10. Luna Lovegood- From J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series (I'm sure I'd hear about some interesting things from her.) 
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  1. Yes! Luna Lovegood! She would be the perfect ice breaker for all those awkward silences that happen at the lunch table.

  2. Ahhh Luna Lovegood! I'm gutted she didn't make my list, an amazing choice! I so wanted to put Fred & George too. Sherlock Holmes is a brilliant choice,and your choice of Mr Collins literally made me laugh out loud, bless him. Thanks for dropping by on my list!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

    1. Mr. Collins is one of those characters in Austen that annoys me but not too much for me not to like him but instead he just makes me laugh. :)

  3. Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Knightley are the best! Great picks!!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

    1. I love them so much! Some of my favorite characters from literature. :) Thanks for commenting! :)

  4. OMG Luna!! Great pick and Sherlock! LOVE! He would most definitely make for an interesting lunch hour lol Bilbo Baggins is also a great pick, he'd have tons of stories to share!!

    -Lety @ Gone With The Words

    1. Thank you! I think it would be quite the lunch will all of these characters. :)

  5. Mr. Collins? *shudder* I can't look at him the same way ever since watching Lost in Austen. I can just see him hitting on all the girls at the table and droning on and on about buttresses...

    I've seen Anne Shirley on a few lists today. That's a great choice (and one I wish I would've thought of when I was making my own list)!

    1. I haven't seen Lost in Austen but that sounds like something he might do.... droning on and on about buttresses. :)

  6. Mr. Bennet is a fabulous idea! He'd have been a wonderful with his quietness and random witty observations. I must admit that I skipped Anne in favor of Gilbert for a lunch companion. Great list!

    1. Anne and Gilbert are both great... together even better. ;)

  7. I haven't read most of these books, but I love the idea of Sherlock and his deductions at the table!

  8. Great picks! That's a table I would love to be sitting on myself. I'd especially love to have lunch with Sherlock.


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