
Monday, June 26, 2017

It's Monday! Married Life

It's now been a little over four weeks that Brian and I have been married. It's been crazy fun as we figure out life together. Our current adventures include figuring out how to shop together (we're getting better at it!) and cooking together. A couple weeks ago we spent time shopping for furniture for our home and in between furniture stores found time to stop by a used bookstore and Lois got too many books. It was Brian's idea to go in though! I warned him how dangerous they are for me!
Then this last weekend we got to have people over for dinner for the first time in our home! Obviously a little nerve wracking for me hosting people for the first time but so much fun too!
I love being married and most especially I love being married to Brian. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in our marriage.
So reading... Nothing really new since the last time I posted. Still reading the same books. I got a little further in In the Presence of My Enemies but that's it. I'm almost done with it though!
We got our official wedding pictures back last week so I hope to share them here with y'all in not too long. I love how they turned out. Here's just a few for now though and by a few I mean I couldn't stop uploading pictures but this is a few compared to the over six hundred photos I have to sort through.

All of the photos were done by SR Photography and if you're in Kansas you should definitely use her!!! 

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  1. These are SO CUTE! *grins*

  2. I love the picture on the slide. My husband and I had some of our wedding pictures taken on swings at the church playground. Playground pictures are the best. :) Blessings on your marriage!


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