
Monday, June 12, 2017

It's Monday! Marital Bliss

I am married!!!!!! We got back from the honeymoon last week. It was amazing and I loved every minute of it. ALL OF THE MINUTES!!!! ;) I'll write a more detailed post about it sometime in the future but just know it was a blast! We went to Charleston, South Carolina and let me just say that if it weren't for the heat I would move there in a heartbeat. Brian is an incredible husband. So sweet, kind and considerate. Being married to him is so much fun and sanctifying at the same time. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us.

Yes, I did get some reading done while I was away. I've found that now I'm not planning a wedding anymore I have more time to read. I love it! I did notice that at this moment I'm currently reading all non-fiction, which is a first. Maybe signaling in a new period in my life? Don't worry, though, I'm not a boring old married lady yet. I'll get some fiction in there soon enough!

Finished Recently

  • Home by Marilynne Robinson 

Currently Reading

  • The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Kelelr
  • In the Presence of My Enemies by Gracia Burnham
  • Catching Foxes by John Henderson
  • Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey 

Coming Soon

  • Lila by Marilynne Robinson 
That's all for now! I've included a couple wedding shots in this post. I've got a couple back from my photographer already, which I love, and I can't wait to get the rest soon! 

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  1. Congratulations!! Beautiful pictures!

  2. I don't think nonfiction has to be boring. I started In the Presence of My Enemies, but my mom lent it out to her friends . . . I totally forgot about its existence, I need to find out now.

    Cannot wait to see wedding photos. I'd love to go to Charleston, SC. Southern Living has a test about which Southern town you would be and I got Charleston.

  3. My husband and I honeymooned in Charleston as well (almost 17 years ago). It's an amazing city! Congrats on the wedding!

  4. Congratulations! I love Charleston. I have family near there. ^ ^

  5. Congratulations! I love your marriage-themed reading list.

  6. Congratulations! May your married life be so blessed!

  7. Congratulations again! I have been thoroughly enjoying married life for fifteen years now -- you have such joy and fullness of life ahead!

  8. Congratulations Lois! That's so exciting!

    Your wedding dress is gorgeous!!

    ~Miss Woodhouse

    P.S. I just stumbled upon your blog, and it's so lovely! I'm looking forward to reading more!


    Ahhh, this is amazing. Prayers for you and Brian!

    I gather -- from this and from the fact that another couple I know honeymooned there -- that Charleston is an excellent honeymoon spot! And oh my goodness, your wedding outfit looks so beautiful and adorable at the same time, and the pictures are SO. CUTE.

    Congrats again!!

  10. A very belated Congratulations, Lois!!


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