
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind "Santa" Bringing This Year

Books are always, always, ALWAYS an acceptable gift for me.... yes that's a hint. ;) I'm really trying to bolster up my personal library right now as even though my parents have thousands of books I'm trying to get my own copies of all of my favorites.
  1. The Valley of Vision... I actually asked for this for Christmas so hopefully I will get it. I haven't read it yet but I'm looking forward to it. 
  2. The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
  3. Any Dickens (except Barnaby Rudge, David Copperfield and Our Mutual Friend because I already have those). 
  4. Coronation of Glory: The Story of Lady Jane Grey by Deborah Meroff- One of my favorite books and one of my most re-read books. 
  5. Gods and Generals by Jeff Shaara... I already have Killer Angels but I'd love to have it's prequel as well. They're both great. 
  6. Any Agatha Christie except the ones I have... which I can't recall the titles so just be psychic and don't get them for me. ;) 
  7. Any P.G. Wodehouse
  8. Mary Poppins or any in that series
  9. The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope
  10. Any of the Harry Potter series except four and five as I already have copies of those. 
Linking up with Broke and Bookish 

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  1. Great list! More Dickens is always nice :) Hope some of these make their way under your Christmas tree in a few days ;)

    My TTT

  2. It was funny to see Harry Potter in the same list as all of those classic

    1. Classics are my favorites but there are a few modern books I enjoy such as Harry Potter. :)

  3. I'd love to have every major Dickens. But before I get Little Dorrit, I need to read a couple others I already have, like Bleak House and Nicholas Nickleby.

    1. Bleak House and Nicholas Nickelby are great! I'm sure you'll love them. :)

  4. I love The Prisoner of Zenda! I don't know too many people who have read it, though.

    I have quite a few Dickens books, but not all of them! You can never have too much DIckens, right? Nicholas Nickleby is sitting on my shelf right now and I haven't read it yet, so it's something to look forward to.


    1. The Prisoner of Zenda is marvelous and definitely should be more popular! There's an old black and white movie with Ronald Coleman starring in it that is quite good. I'm sure there are many other movie versions but that's the only one I've seen.

  5. What I love is that you wrote that books are always a good gift for you. I feel the same way. My mom had tons of books too but eventually you will move out and want to take your library with you!!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Exactly! I love that someone else feels that way. :)


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