
Monday, December 22, 2014

It's Monday and I've Completed my Reading Challenges!

In November I was getting the uneasy feeling that I wasn't going to get my reading challenges completed as I still had four books left, third of which were pretty long. However, last Wednesday I completed Roland Bainton's Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther and therefore completed my last reading challenge to be completed. You can see everything I read this year here on my 2014 Reading Challenges Page. Now I can really look forward to a new year of reading challenges, knowing that I've already successfully completed one year. :) So reading?

Completed this Week

  • Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther by Roland Bainton

Currently Reading

  • Death Comes to Pemberly by P.D. James

Coming Soon!

  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 

Review Posted this Week

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  1. Thanks for stopping by Reading In The Tardis. I really like your list, Death Comes to Pemberly has been on my list for ages now. Hopefully I will get to it in 2015. How do you like it so far?

    1. I haven't gotten that far into it yet. I was caught up with reading other books to finish up my reading challenges but now that I'm done with those I hope to whiz through it! So far though I was liking it. :) It's not the same but nothing is the same as Austen. ;)

  2. Well done for completely your challenges.
    I've completely rethought how I will approach challenges next year.

    Merry Christmas

    1. Thanks! 2015 is looking different for me with challenges too and I'm betting 2016 will be even more different. :)

  3. Congrats on accomplishment! Over the years I've reduced the challenges I participated in down to just two for the last couple of years.

    1. That's a good idea! I'm so completely overwhelmed with the number I'm doing for 2015 that I know I'm going to be drastically decreasing the number I participate in next year.

  4. Congratulations on completing all of your challenges! Isn't it a good feeling? And an even better one to look ahead to 2015 and all the great books that will be read for all of the fun challenges... :)

    1. Yes it is! I'm so excited about your Newberry challenge! There's so many childhood favorites of mine that are Newberry winners plus I'll be reading some new ones that I missed as a child. :)

  5. Congrats on the challenges. I think the Martin Luther book looks good and I've been curious about Pembeley too, thought about getting it a few times but have not yet. Have a merry Christmas!!

    1. Thank you! Try getting Pemberly from the library... that's always a safe way to test a book out instead of buying it. :)

  6. Congrats on completing your challenges!


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