
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I want to Re-read

Now this is a topic near and dear to me! I actually made a list not too long ago of books I want to re-read that is currently 293 books long and still growing (will be posting it in the near future). However, I won't bore you with that list right now and just share the normal ten... and by ten I mean a cheating ten and by cheating ten I mean I may put several books from one author on the list and count it as one. ;)
If you are interested in doing a heavy duty re-reading challenge in 2015 I have opened up the sign-up page for my 2015 Hard Core Re-Reading Challenge and you can view it HERE.
  1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee- I re-watched the movie recently and it just gave me a yearning to re-read the book. I remember enjoying it when I first read it but I think I could get a lot more out of it now. 
  2. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain- I read them back in the day and I'd like to re-read them now. I remember enjoying Huckleberry Finn but I don't remember enjoying Tom Sawyer as much.
  3. David Copperfield and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens- Two of Dickens' novels that I wasn't as crazy about when I read them but they are two of the first I read so I'd like to give them another chance as they are some of the most highly acclaimed. Plus, David Copperfield is one of my Dad's favorite books and he thinks that my not loving it as he does is a serious character deficit. ;) Since my Dad is normally an excellent judge of books, I feel that probably I should give it another try. :)
  4.  Chosen by God by R.C. Sproul- This book made a big impact on my spiritual life back when I read it my freshman year of high school and I would love to re-read it now that I'm older. 
  5. Little Britches and others in series by Ralph Moody- These are essentially the male version of Little House in the Big Woods. I enjoyed them as a kid but never read the last three so I'd like to re-read these so I can read the last three with more understanding. Plus, they are great books so I want to re-read them anyways. :)
  6. Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss- I've mentioned my wanting to re-read this a few times here on the blog but essentially my reasoning is that I didn't like it when I first read it several years ago but my siblings insist it is an exceptional book so I'm going to try to re-read it. I think part of the reason I disliked it is because it is one of the few books I read after watching the movie and I loved the movie and the book and the movie are just not the same. 
  7. Emma by Jane Austen- This is the only novel of Jane Austen's that I'm not absolutely in love with. I love the Kate Beckinsdale movie but the book I just found somewhat tedious. Not saying at all that I didn't like it, I just did not enjoy it as much as Austen's other books. Mr. Knightley is almost my favorite of Austen's heroes. I have been assured by my brother though that it is better with a re-read so I am going to try that. 
  8. Little Women and other in series by Louise May Alcott- Such as classic and one that I have always loved. I'm not re-reading this one because I'm trying to like it better but because I love it so much. :)
  9. Howard Pyle's The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood and The Story of King Arthur and His Knights and Roger Lancelyn Green's King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table and The Adventures of Robin Hood. These books are how I came to know of the legends of Robin hood and King Arthur as a kid. Watching The Adventures of Merlin has reminded me how little I recall. So I'd like to re-read them to refresh my memory. 
  10. P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster novels- I don't think there are words to describe the wonders of Wodehouse's novels. Pretty much they are just classic, amazing british humor at its absolute best. It's been awhile since I've read his Jeeves and Woosters series so I would love to re-read those. 
There's so many more books I'm dying to re-read but these are my top ones.
Again, if you have a long list of re-reads you want to tackle next year be sure to go to THIS blog post to sign up for my re-reading challenge. 
I'm also hosting the 2015 Birthday Month Reading Challenge and you can check that out HERE.

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  1. You have some of my favorites on your list. I forgot about To Kill a Mockingbird! And I'd love to reread Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn AND Robin Hood by Howard Pyle, too. I just finished Little Women, and I believe that would be a worthy reread someday.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. It sounds like we have a lot in common! :)

  2. HOWARD PYLE. He was my adventure imagination inspiration when I was little - my sister and I had such fun pretending Robin Hood and King Arthur and all that good stuff.

    Little Women, Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, Emma - awesome books! I haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird or the Jeeves and Wooster books - but I definitely want to!

    1. Robin Hood was our favorite game as kids too! :)

  3. I love Mark Twain and would love to reread Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. And TKAM is my favorite book ever!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! They are such awesome books. :)

  4. To be honest, the only book I've read on this list is To Kill a Mockingbird. I didn't love it, but I know a lot of other people do! Thanks for sharing :)

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I'd encourage you to try out the others. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Lovely choices and nice to see so many classics there!

    New GFC follower

    My TTT  - Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  6. I agree that Emma wasn't my favorite JA book either. That falls to Persuasion. Not P&P like everyone else believes. I will probably re-read all of her books at some point in my life. The classics are great for coming back to.

    1. Persuasion is one of my favorites... but I am stereotypical in that P&P is my absolute favorite. :)

  7. Great list. :) My Dad loves the Jeeves and Wooster novels.

  8. I think I need to add some of these to my TBR list! Especially Robin Hood!

  9. I love Charles Dickens so I'll definitely reread Great Expectations in an ideal world. But I'll probably have to read it again for school though :P

    1. He is a great author... hard to get into often but always worthwhile.

  10. I have to admit, I haven't read any of these books, most of them mainly because I'm not a huge fan of classics. But I do want to read The (Merry) Adventures of Robin Hood because I really liked the Disney movie, and I can't believe I haven't read the actual book yet! ^^

    1. It's a great book!
      I always recommend the classics. Oftentimes they're hard to get into but always worth the effort. :)

  11. Great choices! Little Women is always a favorite for me. I think Laurie was probably my first "book boyfriend" ever haha. And I agree about "To Kill a Mockingbird". I read it when I was so young, but I definitely think I would love it even more so now that I'm older.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    -Sonnie @ Sunshine & Whimsy

  12. Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn would be on my list too- I was quite young when I read TS and would like to revisit (I remember liking the movie), and Huck Finn I have little recollection of. And Swiss Family Robinson- I think I liked it but I remember the movie much more clearly. Would be nice to revisit that one too. Robin Hood too... Great list!

  13. 293 books to re-read, WOW, that's quite a list! Love the 10 you mentioned in this post, I really have to pick up some of these as well! I think it's great you're organising these challenges in 2015, will have a look and see if I can join! :)

    1. Thank you. I think my re-read list is longer than my to read list. ;)

  14. Several of these are on my Classics Club list and while they're technically rereads it's been so long since I've read them (20 years) they barely count as such. I am really looking forward to getting to experience Swiss Family Robinson, Huckleberry Finn and Little Women again. Though to be honest I didn't love Little Women when I first read it. Jo's Boys was my favorite of the series. Great list!

    1. I loved all of the Little Women sequels as well! Definitely give Little Women another try... one of my favorite characters, as many others will say, is their mom. :)

  15. You've listed some of my favourite classics too! Especially To Kill A Mockingbird. It's been such a long time since I picked it up and now that you've mentioned it, I want to read it again!


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