
Thursday, January 4, 2018

New Year's Thoughts

I've had a busy beginning to my year so I'm just now putting down a few New Year's thoughts.

First off... I had a marvelous first Christmas being married to Brian. We celebrated on Christmas Eve with his side of the family then Christmas morning we were able to spend together before headed out to my side of the family in the evening to celebrate with them. Being able to spend the morning together was really special. We made breakfast together and then opened presents and stockings. Then we enjoyed a movie together. I'm sure next Christmas will look different with a baby but I'm excited for the change, though of course a little terrified.

Which brings me to the new year. We only have three months before we'll be welcoming our little girl  into our lives. It's feeling more and more real every day as I feel her moving inside me. Our nursery is pretty much set up and ready to go. Most of my thoughts are on what's to come with her as I think of freezer meals, packing bags for the hospital and all of that jazz. It's hard to focus on much else and when I do I get behind on everything I need to do to prepare! It's craziness!

I'm still finding time to read here and there, which is essential as I press towards my goal to complete my Classics Club challenge this year. I have 38 books left on my list... three of which I'm currently reading. I'll probably skip a couple on there though to be honest.... I made a list of 103 with the idea that I would only read 100. I just make my own rules up like that. I know it's going to be hard to find time to read with a baby but I'm going to try to make it happen and if it doesn't I'll have to accept that.    I also want to be able to get other books in my reading schedule besides the classics of course or else I'm sure I'll get burned out quickly. Probably a little non-fiction and some fun lighter fiction will be mixed in there too. My Goodreads goal I put for this year was 50 books. I think that's doable. I hope!

Overall I'm thrilled for the new year and the changes it's going to bring. I'm just praying I can meet them with patience and grace. Do you have any New Year's resolutions?

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1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! The best way I found to keep up my reading life while my son was a newborn was to listen to audiobooks, especially while nursing. And always have a book nearby, because you never know when they are going to fall asleep while you're holding them - it's a perfect excuse to just sit there and read, right? :)


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