
Monday, November 13, 2017

It's Monday! Ice Possible

I am that friend. 
There's nothing I hate more than getting in my care and turning it on and the words popping up on it's screen "Drive carefully, ice possible." It jus makes me want to go back inside and curl up in my nice warm bed. That has been the fairly consistent message I've been getting recently as I get in my car at ungodly hours of the morning to head to work. My body hates cold weather and I lived any further north I'm not sure what I'd do. Whenever we go visit our relatives in Minnesota I find it go be a love/hate trip. I love to see them but I hate being there in the cold, and probably icy and snowy, weather. Yikes! Gives me the shivers just thinking about it.
On to warmer, cozier topics. Books!

Finished this Week

  • A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry 

Currently Reading

  • War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy 
  • A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs 
  • God Is by Mark Jones 
  • The Mortification of Sin by John Owen
  • Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey 

Coming Soon

  • The Four Feathers by A.E.W.  Mason 
  • The Bronte Plot by Katherine Reay 

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1 comment:

  1. That photo though...that's both me and my mother in the winter...mostly my mother....(but I love her to bits so...)


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