
Friday, June 30, 2017

The Four Fictional Characters Tag

Anna from The Blog of Fiorlh has tagged me in the four fictional characters tag.
1. Link back to the person who tagged you (done above)
2. List four fictional characters (use pictures if you want! They can be from movies or books) and, if you like, describe what they're like and why you believe they relate to you
3. Tag a few other blog people! Three, or four, or even twenty. :) Share the fun! Be sure to let them know you've tagged them!

  1. Catherine Morland- She's naive, sweet, loves to read and dance. 
  2. Anne Shirley- Imagination, loves to read, a bit hot headed. 
  3. Jo March- A love of reading and writing, and as I recall she has many of the qualities and defects I possess. 
  4. Belle- What can I say? She loves to read and has a quirky dad.  
Thank you Anna for tagging me! All others consider yourself tagged! I'm far too lazy to tag. ;) 

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  1. Thanks Lois! I find it interesting that each character you picked is evidently deeply engrossed in a book! :)

  2. Nice collection of characters AND pics :-)

  3. Hello, just came across your blog and love it! I nominated you for the Liebster Award, which is used to help promote book bloggers within the community. If you want to accept, you can see the details on :)

  4. Hey im a real fan of your blog here and i think that you post some amazing stuff here. Had a good time reading this post. and loved it. Thanks so much.


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