
Monday, May 9, 2016

It's Monday! Four Nights

This last week I did the inconceivable (obviously I don't know what that word means). I worked four twelve hour shifts in a row. Since we only work three shifts a week, normally three is the most we'll work in a row but somehow my schedule ended up with me working a Saturday night (which I don't know how that happened since I never sign up for Saturdays) and then Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Four nights in a row! Needless to say I was basically a zombie at the end of it. I found that keeping a positive attitude is absolutely key to getting through it... though I didn't always achieve that.
I survived though.
Last week I tried to catch up on some of my reviews too. I got two done and they were the hardest for me as they were for non-fiction books, which for some reason I have a harder time writing reviews for. I'm also trying to work through movie reviews as well.
I was also able to go to a library book sale this past weekend and round up twenty-one books for only five bucks. :)
And last but not least I got to see Captain America: Civil War! It was splendiferous! :)

Currently Reading

  • The Sovereignty of God by Arthur W. Pink 
  • All the King's Men by Arthur Penn Warren
  • The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien (re-read) (audiobook)
  • The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens
  • The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge (re-read) 

Finished this Past Week

  • Lieutenant Hornblower by C.S. Forester 

Coming Soon

  • Total Truth by Nancy Pierce

Reviews Posted this Week

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  1. Twenty-one books for five bucks! Sweet!

    Hope you get lots of rest this week :-) My husband used to work 12-hour shifts, and they were pretty killer.

  2. That sounds like an exhausting few days! I hope you get some good rest this week and lots of good reading too!

  3. That is a lot of hours to work.

    Good you got a few reviews done.

    ENJOY this reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


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