
Monday, May 16, 2016

It's Monday! First Car!

This week I finally got my first car! It's been a huge blessing to be able to use my grandparents' car for the last few years but I'm so exited to finally have my own!
Reading wise I've been more laid back this week. I've been reading but only finished one book.  I think I've maybe been reading too many books at the same time though.

Currently Reading

  • The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens
  • All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren
  • The Sovereignty of God by Arthur W. Pink
  • The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien (re-read) (audiobook)

Finished this Past Week

  • The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge (re-read)

Coming Soon

  • Eternity in their Hearts by Don Richardson 

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  1. Congrats!! Cars are great for listening to audiobooks. Hie thee to Audible!! :)

    1. I actually already do a lot of audiobook listening in the car but it will be facilitated now by this more modern technology. :)

  2. All the King's Men has been on my TBR list forever. What a perfect time to read it during this crazy political season.

    1. It is quite interesting to read right now. :)

  3. Hi again! I know I haven't commented in forever, but I miss commenting on you posts. Something you'll see more often this summer. :-)

    Wow! That's a nice car! It looks very fancy.

    1. Thank tou! It's always great to see you on the blog. :)

  4. How exciting to get your first car! It was really nice for your grandparents to let you borrow theirs for the past few years, but it's so amazing and independent to have your own - I hope you enjoy it. And wow, that is a lot of books to read all at once - good luck and enjoy!


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