
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday- Characters I Like that most Dislike

The theme for this week's Top Ten Tuesday is either characters you like that most dislike or characters you dislike that most like. I decided to go with the characters I like that most dislike.

Characters that I like that most dislike

1) Melanie Wilkes from Gone With the Wind- Many think she's a wimp and too nice and sweet but while she is kind of sickly sweet sometimes I love her because she is truly kind and generous and really is the only person like that in the whole story. 
2) Amy March from Little Women ect.- Amy gets a bad rap from readers because she was kind of a selfish brat when she was younger and "stole" Laurie from Jo. In my opinion Amy is an under appreciated character. Her struggles are unique and I think harder for readers to relate to. I personally found her story very interesting and I like seeing her character grow. 
3) Henry Higgins from Pygmalion/My Fair Lady- I know he's kind of a jerk but I still love him. He's hilarious and really does have a heart... though it's hard to find oftentimes.
4) Cosette from Lés Miserables- Another one who gets a bad rap because she distracted Marius from Eponine who everyone loves instead. No Cosette isn't my favorite character but I do like her and I think it's silly that people don't. You can like both Cosette and Eponine! 
5) Edmund Bertram from Mansfield Park- Readers dislike him because he gets distracted by the beautiful and dynamic Mary Crawford instead of noticing Fanny Price. Sure, that annoys me too but I still like him. I think it's a little unfair that people get so frustrated with him for that when they tend to pardon Elizabeth Bennet for being attracted to George Wickham. He's still a good man and while not my favorite Austen hero he was an honorable man, kind and intelligent who in the end did realize his error. 
6) Fanny Price from Mansfield Park- Speaking of Mansfield Park.... Mansfield Park in general just gets a bad rap! I really like Fanny Price. The reason most don't like her is because she just happens to not be Elizabeth Bennet. She's quiet, shy, reserved. Readers think of her as a pushover. FYI, she's not a pushover! She stands up for herself when she refuses to act and she stands up for herself when she refuses to marry Henry Crawford. Yes, oftentimes she is a dutiful young women doing most anything asked of her. That's not necessarily a bad thing though. She happens to be a nice and helpful person... that's what that is. I think she doesn't resonate well with modern audiences because this is not something they can identify with... we live in a very selfish generation that hasn't learned to be helpful and kind very well. My little rant. I guess I probably could dedicate a post to it. 

And that's all I can think for right now. :) 

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  1. I love Melanie (she's tough underneath it all, and she's not judgemental) and I like Fanny Price too. But then, I also like Mary Crawford and Scarlett, haha. Amy March though... I do like her once she gets a bit older, but would never have forgiven her for the book incident!

    1. True, the book incident really irked me. If I was Jo I think it would be horribly hard to forgive Amy.

  2. Melanie. That's a tricky one. How much I wish I could be as good as Melanie!

    1. Yes! To be as good as Melanie would be marvelous. :)

  3. I love love love Mansfield Park, and I do think that it is so underappreciated! So yes yes yes. I also think people are a little hard on Amy, but when she grows up she isn't all bad :)
    here's my TTT!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I really think where you see Amy's best side is when she grows up.

  4. Amy March IS a good character! :)

    Hmmm, I tend to really dislike Cosette because she never really does anything of use throughout the whole story(even Marius singlehandedly saved all the barricade boys), but, if nothing else, she should be appreciated for her cheerful disposition after such a terrible childhood with the Thenardiers.

    1. That's true. I think though in a way she helped "save" Jean ValJean. She gave him a purpose and she was always cheerful. :)

  5. I feel like it's not fair to dislike Fanny for being dutiful. I mean, that's exactly how she was raised to be. Her childhood left no room for anything other than following orders and being dutiful and helpful. It is because of that that her acts of rebellion are so impressive and make her a remarkable character. I have always liked Fanny, and really, really loved Edmund :)

    My TTT.

    1. Exactly! Considering how she was raised by her uncle and aunt (not to mention Aunt Norriss!) she turned out really well. :)

  6. I completely agree with you where Amy, March and Edmund and Fanny are concerned. I don't really know any of the others you mentioned.

    1. Oh you should read Gone With the Wind! It's not the next best thing to sliced bread as some might say but it's intriguing. :)

    2. I would, because it does sound interesting and I like the Old South, but my mom has objections to it.

  7. Who doesn't like Melanie?!? I'm willing to fight em.

  8. Honestly I didn't like anyone from Gone with the Wind....

    Check out my TTT.

  9. I love your list, and, I agree with much of it ;) I love, love, love Melanie.

  10. Awesome list! Especially the first four :P


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