
Saturday, October 31, 2015

The 12 Month Classics Challenge

As evidenced by 2015's long list of reading challenges, I love a good reading challenge! Even more I love hosting a good reading challenge. Okay... maybe not even more but it's still lots of fun!
I'm a member of the Classics Club, and if you're not you should be! I've always been a classics reader but the Classics Club has really challenged me to read classics I maybe would have never picked up. So for 2016 I am going to host the 12 Month Classics Challenge. When I first thought of it I thought of it in relation to Classics Club members but really anyone can join! If you've always wanted to try some classics but have never gotten around to it try this challenge out and maybe it will be the inspiration you need! So from classics lovers to classics haters (that covers everyone right?) this challenge is for you! ;)
How the challenge works is every month you read a classic corresponding to the month's theme. Now I'm a flexible person and if for some reason you're just feeling the need to read that particular classic in a different month than the theme is, feel free to. I'm not going to haunt you for the rest of your life or anything like that. ;) Additionally, if you feel this is the year to read War and Peace or some other ridiculously long classic but you know you aren't going to finish it in a month I understand too! You don't have to finish the book in a month! The ultimate goal is to read 12 classics (or more if you like) in 2016. If you read five one month and then read none the next, again, I'm not going to haunt you for the rest of your life. If you read War and Peace all year long I will just be very impressed and won't mind that you didn't read eleven others. ;)
So do you get my drift? Flexibility!!!!
Also any form of book is acceptable including real books, audiobooks and ebooks. Additionally, re-reads are acceptable as well.
I would encourage everyone to write a review of their books and I'll have a link up where you can link your reviews but if you don't have a blog or goodreads account you can always just comment a few thoughts. :)
Now when it comes to defining a Classic that gets a little tricky. As you can see below I have a month for reading a modern classic so please use that month to designate your modern classics. Besides that, try to keep the classics to a restriction of being written fifty years ago or more. It's not an entirely hard and fast rule just more of a preference.
Okay, so here are the themes for each month. :)

January- A classic you've always wanted to read- Start the year off with a bang!
February- A classic you've always dreaded reading- Get that book out of the way... and who knows! You may end up loving it!
March- A classic you've been recommended- We all have those
April- A classic you've seen the movie/miniseries/TV show of- If you're like me you've probably seen quite a few film versions before being able to read the book. It's time for that book to get read!
May- An American classic
June- A British classic
July- A European classic (non-British)
August- A modern classic- Up to your interpretation
September- A children's classic
October- A classic by a female author
November- A classic by a male author
December- A classic written under a pseudonym- If you don't know which books were written under pseudonyms here's a few names to help you out. Jane Austen wrote her books under a pseudonym (by a lady) as did the Bronte sisters (published their books under male pseudonyms), George Elliot (real name Mary Ann Evans) and Agatha Christie also wrote a few books under the Pseudonym Mary Westmacott.  Men who also have written under Pseudonyms are Mark Twain (real name Samuel L. Clemens) and Lewis Carroll (real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). I'm sure there's more out there but there's a few to start you out.

Sign up here! 


  1. I'm probably joining this, but don't have time to do a post about it right now! But it sounds like great fun!!!

  2. I might very well be interested in this! I've lots of writing to do this year, but if I picked some middling length titles for the most part it seems like it'd be manageable. :P Not to mention fun! Hmmm. Have to think about it and you'll definitely be hearing if I decide to do it.

    And... right after I got home from my recent trip I received a most delightful package in the mail! The Emma giveaway bookmarks! They're LOVELY and I have them on my hope chest/book pile spot in my room and am thoroughly enjoying them. Thank you so much!!! ;) :)

    1. You should! I think it will be fun. :)
      I'm glad those bookmarks made it safely. :) I'm a trifle jealous really. I've wanted them for awhile. Maybe I should treat myself sometime. ;)

  3. It sounds fun! I miss reading Classics, this challenge would help me to read the new ones I bought recently. So, I am definitely joining this.

    1. Cool! I think this will be fun to read a variety of classics. :)

  4. This sounds like a really awesome challenge! As you know, I'm currently in the midst of my bookshelf project, so I don't know if I'll be able to participate, though:( But it looks so fuuuuuuun!

    1. It's the thought that counts. ;)

    2. Actually, since it doesn't start til January, there's a chance--a very faint chance--that I might get to do it!:D

    3. Haha! Don't rush me, now, I'm tryin' ;D

  5. Hi, I'm doing this one. And I'm hosting my first challenge next year. Please check it out and let me know if you are interested.

  6. This is great! I shall be joining :)

  7. Great challenge! Can't wait to get started! :-)

  8. I'm really excited about this! I always tell myself I'll read more classics but I never do so I hope this helps!

    1. I hope you can get some more classics in this year! :)

  9. I'm an avid reader, just not much of a classics reader. Want to broaden my horizons a little bit. Would like to go along for the ride.

  10. NOW I'm in the right place! ;P And I added my link. :) Thank you -- I think this'll be fun!

    1. As you long as you get there in the end right? ;)

  11. Argh! Made a mistake while adding the link. Can I correct the name, Lois?

    1. I don't think you can edit links with this program. Your link is fine though. I'll figure it out. ;)

  12. Oh I'm so in! I'll add my link in a bit when I post my 2016 Challenges :D Thanks for hosting!!

  13. I'm thinking of joining this but will probably fail next year XD I have been attempting to read Jane Eyre since I was 9 and still haven't passed half way mark. Do you have a due date for sign ups?

    1. You can sign up right up until the end of next year. I'd love to have you join even if you don't complete it!

  14. Is Chronicles of Narnia a Classic or a Modern Classic? I'm confused :( I was hoping to pick it up for January.

  15. Such a brilliant challenge!
    I can't wait to get started.
    (I'll link up as soon as I have decided what to read for each month)

  16. This looks great! Thank you for hosting, Lois!

  17. I think I'd like to try this one, too!

    I'll get my post up soon. :)

  18. Looking forward to this! Thanks for hosting!

  19. I don't have a blog, but I love to read and would love to do this challenge!! :-)

    Susan, aka Soozie4Him
    moot96 AT aol DOT com

  20. I'm super excited for this, and I wanted to drop down here and let you know that I absolutely adore your header! So much awesome stuff in here... and you crochet, you're a Christian, and a total nerd? My kind of people!

    1. Haha! Thanks. :) I see we have a lot in common.

  21. I had a quick question. Although it may not be "ideal" can the themes be read out of order? I just read Alas, Babylon for the Sci-Fi Experience, and learned that "Pat Frank" is a pseudonym for Harry Hart. I didn't know if I could possibly count it towards this challenge too? I'll abide with what you decide though!

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