
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Top Ten Most Unique Books I've Ever Read

Today I'm linking up with The Broke and Bookish to bring you the top ten most unique books I've ever read. So here they are in no particular order and hoping I didn't forget something obvious. :)
  1. The Book Thief by Martin Zusak...  Any book that has death narrating it is unique... just saying. 
  2. Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz... A very different kind of book that looks at life through different lenses. A fun read. :) 
  3. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.... No list is complete without including some Tolkien. :) In all honesty though, I don't think anyone could disagree that Tolkien's works inspired much of modern fantasy and remains unique in their creativity and majesty. 
  4. Leave it to Psmith by P.G. Wodehouse... All of Wodehouse's books are unique but this one was even more so. :) Remains one of my favorite books to this day. :) 
  5. The Screwtape Leters by C.S. Lewis... Unique to the extreme. I would really like to re-read this book actually because whenever I see excerpts from it I think "This is so good! I don't remember this!" I would highly recommend this book as an eyeopening novel that makes you look at your actions and your thoughts in a different light. 
  6. The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde... I've mentioned this book a lot on my blog since reading it. I found it very thought provoking and definitely unique in the way it is written and what it discusses... especially for the time in which it was written. 
  7. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling... I'm not a crazy fan like some of those bloggers out there ;) but I do enjoy the Harry Potter books a lot and I consider them quite unique and incredibly imaginative. 
  8. The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer... One of my favorite non-fiction novels. The way Tozer presents the theology in this I found to be unique, fresh and interesting. 
  9. 1984, Animal Farm, Farenheight 451... I'm paring those three together. I read them all about the same time and they're sort of similar in their ideas. At the age when I read them with my limited experiences of the world I found them to be startlingly unique. Now that I'm older, more mature and know more about the world then I want to, I find that these ideas are sadly starting to come true. 
  10. One Corpse Too Many by Ellis Peters... This is a fun mystery novel that I have always enjoyed for its unique setting in medieval times. I've always been a bit of a history lover as well as a mystery novel lover so when you combine thoughts you make me happy. :) It's so interesting to read a mystery novel where you don't have all of the modern conveniences that yyou normally think of. Government is very different, there's no fingerprinting and you can't get everywhere as quickly. 
I actually thought this list would be hard to make but once I started looking at my Goodreads list of books I'd read the list just flowed and soon I had too many so I had to cut back! 

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  1. Ellis Peters! I haven't read all of the Brother Cadfael mysteries but I do have a number of them and heart them so much :D You mentioned a lot of great books on your list too (Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, LOTR, The Book Thief, 1984, The Picture of Dorian Gray) :D

    1. Thank you. :) I don't think I've quite read all of the Brother Cadfael mysteries either... I'm not sure my family has all of them.

  2. I really want to read Animal Farm and Fahrenheit 451 - they seem like books that I'd really enjoy. :) LOTR is just so epic that I don't anyone is going surpass his world building skills any time soon. Great list! Thanks also for stopping by at my blog earlier! :)

    1. Surpassing Tolkien? Never going to happen! ;)
      Thank for stopping by mine. :)

  3. you picked some great titles! Love The Book Thief and The Lord of the Rings. Thanks so much for stopping by today. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  4. 1984 is definitely a unique read! I should definitely have put it on my list! Also, I still need to read the LOTR series! But we do have Harry Potter and The Book Thief in common! :)

    Thanks for reading My Top Ten Picks!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

    1. Yes read LOTR! :) Not an easy read but so worth it. :)
      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  5. Love your list! 1984 is a great choice! The Book Thief really counts - but I put it on almost all my lists so I didn't go with it this week.

    1. I love your reasoning! I either have LOTR or a Jane Austen novel on all of my lists... just kind of how it happens. :)

  6. Nice list! The only books on here that I have read is The Book Thief and Harry Potter. Harry Potter made my list but I completely forgot about The Book Thief, that is definitely a very unique read.

  7. Great list! I haven't read most of these but the Book Thief is high on my list of books to read next. I'll have to check out some of these other ones. I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster award, you can check out the details here:
    Keep up the good work with your blog! :)


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