
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Top Ten "Gateway" Books/Authors in my Reading Journey

Quick note before I get this blog post rolling... I'm having a link up for monthly resolutions so be sure to check out this post and link up! It's just a fun but helpful way to make some goals for the month.

So... "gateway books/authors... difficult to think about. I never wasn't in any genre (except sci-fi I guess) I never fell out of reading and I really can't remember starting reading. However, I will attempt this.
  1. Dune by Frank Herbert... I guess you can say it got me into the sci-fi genre as it was the first sic-fi book I read. 
  2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen... It got me into reading Jane Austen's novels and really into the more adult classic novels. I read it when I was ten I think. I and already seen the 1995 film version multiple times as well as other film versions of Austen's novels so I wasn't unfamiliar with her works. 
  3. Much Ado about Nothing by William Shakespeare... This was my first Shakespeare that I read that wasn't a children's or abridged version. Through it I began to ease myself into the world of Shakespeare. 
  4. Hickory, Dickory Death by Agatha Christie... My first Agatha Christie book and the book that introduced me to mystery novels. I love her books and I've read almost all of them now. 
  5. Redwall series by Brian Jaques... I remember reading a lot of those as a kid and I think they really got me going more into reading. They were also some of the earlier fantasy I read. 
  6. All books by G.A. Henty... I think I read The Cat of Bupastes first but I don't remember. They're really great historical fiction with Christian tones. Those are what first really got me interested in history. There was a time when I wanted to be a history professor because of those books. :)
  7. Jeeves and Wooster books by P.G. Wodehouse... Again I don't remember what the first one of those books I read was. They were the first books I read with British humor and I absolutely loved it! I can't recommend those quirky stories highly enough! 
  8. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling... These were the first "modern" books I read. Before that I'd read pretty much exclusively classics. Those books will always have a special place in my reading world. They aren't perfect books, and I do have problems with them, but they're still good books. 
  9. Bridge to Terebethia by by Katherine Paterson... As I mentioned in some previous post, this was the first book where a main character died. I'd never heard of such a thing! It is a good book though not despite of that but partially because of that. 
  10. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens... First Dickens I ever read and let me tell you reading one of those I feel like I should have earned a medal. While his books are very good.... they are also very loooooong. I didn't even much care for Great Expectations, Mrs. Havishman just freaked me out. However, this was my "gateway" into longer novels. Quite the shock to the system I will admit. However, once you can get through one you can tackle the rest. :) 
Linking up with Broke and Bookish.

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  1. Wahoo, another fellow Pride & Prejudice and Harry Potter fan! Also, I'm loving the amount of Shakespeare I'm seeing around, it's really interesting that everyone is picking a different play! Nice list :) I never read the Red Wall series but I saw it everywhere!

    Check out my Top Ten Tuesday List

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yep! Prife and Zprejudice is my favorite book (closely followed by LOTR).

  2. Dune! If I had more room on my list I would have definitely have added it; Dune was one of the first sci-fi novels I read and still one of my favourites <3

    Re-reading Pride and Prejudice about a year or two after I read it for school definitely launched me off to reading the big classics :)

    Great list! My TTT

    p.s. Did you do a layout change recently? I love it! :)

  3. Pride and Prejudice is a great choice! Nice to see some Agatha Christie love too, should have put her on my list!

    My TTT

    1. So many books it's hard to chose! Christie's books will always have a special place in my heart though.

  4. Harry Potter is on my list as well! I also love Pride and Prejudice and Much Ado About Nothing.

    1. Thsnks for stopping by! They are definitely some of my favorites. :)

  5. I'm always happy to meet another Austen fan. I also like Much Ado About Nothing, though I'm a particular fan of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Thank you for stopping by my blog today!

    1. I'm not as familiar with Midsummer Night's Dream... I remember going through the "play" that is performed in it with my Shakespeare club and I really enjoyed that.

  6. Pride and Prejudice is the only Jane Austen book that I have read. I've tried to read the others, but I couldn't get into them. I think it's only because I love the movie :/ I have heard a lot about Dune though. My dad is a big fan so I might have to check that one out.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Pride and Prejudice is definitely the best with the best movie version. The others are harder to get into but in my opinion great as well. I would recommend Dune. Not a super easy read but if you can handle LOTR you can handle it just fine. :)

  7. I LOVE HARRY POTTER AND PRIDE AND PREJUDICE! :) Are you into classics and fiction too? I love these two genres! Both books are one of my favourites! :D Thanks for sharing!!

    by the way, I just started a book blog myself. Could you please check it out? If you want to follow each other, please let me know so I could do it immediately! Thanks again!! xx

    MY BLOG:

    1. I'm following you now. :) I checked out your blog and it looks great! I look forward to reading more. :)
      Yes I'm definitely into classics and fiction. :)


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