
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

No Stress Finals Week

That's right.... I think I might be the least stressed (school wise that is) person coming up on finals week. I have zero finals... I'm being serious. One of my teachers offers the option to not take the final if you have missed no classes but one, another teacher doesn't give a final because she knows we'll be busy with others, then another teacher just has a final presentation (which I have already completed), and then my Pathophysiology teacher doesn't have a final, just a last test, which I could flunk and still get an A in the class.... don't worry though, I won't flunk it. :)
So I am honestly just sitting around, writing lame blog posts, playing games on my iPhone, and reading while everyone else if frantically studying, finishing up papers, ect. I have never been this unstressed out coming up on finals week. It's amazing. :)
However, I have had plenty of other things to stress out about. Things aren't going so smoothly at my Grandparents as I had hoped they would. It is improving daily, I think, but it is still very hard. My Grandma seems to be doing pretty well, but my Grandpa, who has Parkinson Disease, is always worried about everything so my sister and I are having to continually having to reassure him, re-explain things to him, ect. Please keep both of my Grandparents in your prayers as well as my sister, who is getting the brunt of this.
Thank you and God Bless!

Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.


  1. Yippee on the finals. Enjoy the end of the semester, just sitting around! :) Sorry about the rough adjustment with Grandma and Grandpa. I am praying for you all. Thanks so much for loving them and giving of your time and energy.

  2. Praying for y'all and your Grandparents!


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