
Friday, May 17, 2013

Mid-Month Progress Report- May 2013

Already it is the middle of May... which is really hard to believe. The months just keep rolling by. I'm in the middle of finals week right now, but as I mentioned in my previous post, this is a no stress finals week! So here's how my resolutions are going.

Study REALY Hard

I did tolerably on this. I kind of tapered out at the end of the semester because I knew just how much effort I needed to put into my classes and that is all I put in.

Get all A's!!!!

As far as I know I am going to!!! My finals are completed (I actually waited to post this so I could say they were). It is a really wierd feeling to know that next time I will be going to school, it will most likely be the nursing program!!! :) I should be hearing in early June, by the way, whether or not I got accepted.

Read or Re-Read at least 5 books

I've read three already (Around the World in Eighty Days, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and From the Earth to the Moon all by Jules Verne) and I've start a fourth Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain. Yes I know they are all easy books but still I am pretty proud of myself. I also re-read Out of the Silent Planet, which I remembered so little of it that it was more like reading it for the first time. 

Exercise in some form at least three times a week

I am really doing this well. Next month I am going to up it to exercise every day... since that is what I already do. I try lots of different types of workout including, lifting weights, a ten minute cardio exercise and an ab exercise as well as a 5K training and my normal T-Tapp. No, I am not actually training for a 5K, I am just trying to work myself up to the point where I can run for longer than a minute without dropping down dead. I also did P90X Plyometrics for the first time in awhile and I was really happy with how well I did with it. I am told I am obsessing over working out.... possibly. 

Stick to my diet

I've been doing pretty well on this, though a my boss's retirement reception and a graduation reception kind of messed me up.

Lose 4 Pounds

I haven't been able to weigh myself consistently this month as I have been at my Grandparents. Last I knew though I lost a pound. I need to get to work on this.

Cut down on electronics time

Not so good.

Make a Summer Bucket List

This is made and you can view it here. PLUS I made and posted a summer reading list.

Write at least three more blog posts this month

Doing pretty well but there are some goals I need to pick up the pace on.
Be sure to vote in the poll in the sidebar!!!

Lois Johnson, avid writer, tea drinker, and reader but first and foremost, avid Christian.

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