
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Book Review- Colonel Brandon's Diary

Colonel Brandon's Diary (Jane Austen Heroes, #5)For the Mount TBR challenge and the Shelf Love challenge I read Amanda Grange's novel Colonel Brandon's Diary.
Synopsis from Goodreads: At the age of eighteen, James Brandon's world is shattered when the girl he loves, Eliza, is forced to marry his brother. In despair, he joins the army and leaves England for the East Indies for the next several years. Upon his return, he finds Eliza in a debtor's prison. He rescues her from her terrible situation, but she is dying of consumption and he can do nothing but watch and wait. Heartbroken at her death, he takes some consolation in her illegitimate daughter, who he raises as his ward. But at the age of fifteen, his ward goes missing. Devastated by the thought of what could have happened to her, he is surprised to find himself falling in love with Marianne Dashwood. But Marianne is falling in love with the charismatic Willoughby...
As with Mr Darcy's Diary, I really enjoyed looking at what could have been in our Austen hero's diary. Sure it's just speculation but it's well done speculation. The book begins with Colonel Brandon as a young man falling in love with Eliza, his fathers ward and the heartache and disappointment that therein followed. Then it skims over his career in the militia until we reach the events of our old favorite Sense and Sensibility.
I've always loved Colonel Brandon; he's the true hero of Sense and Sensibility, let's face it. This brings his story to life. After reading it I felt even more how perfectly him and Marianne were suited to each other. Overall it was quite well done and enjoyable. :)

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  1. ahem.. :D
    as a huge fan (and defender) of colonel brandon I'm looking forward to reading this :-)

    1. If you love Colonel Brandon you'll love this book!

  2. I'm really going to have to read this series! But James Brandon? Christopher isn't it?

    1. Christopher was a name only given in the movie I think.

  3. Maybe I'll give this one a try next since I've always struggled connecting with Colonel Brandon. A journal from his perspective may help. :)

  4. This book really made me love Col. Brandon because I couldn't help but sympathize with him.

    (Oh, and I believe his first name is never given in Austen's novel. The note with the piano in the 1995 movie lists it as Christopher, but that was made up by the filmmakers -- so James is equally legit.)

    1. Yep. I don't like giving Ausen heroes first names anyways.... Except Henry Tilney and Edmund Bertram I guess but they're referred to by their first name a lot more then the others.


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