
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Stacking the Shelves #4

Thursday my friend and I visited an antique store (she's an antique store junkie) and I brought in three bags of books from it! Buying books from antiques stores is so much fun because you get such beautiful old copies and you can find the classics there! There were so many I didn't bother making a list. However, I took pictures of my now stuffed full shelves for you all. A few highlights of my new books are listed here though. :)

I can't find a place for all of my silly ceramics
so right now they're just crowded on to the bottom
shelf with my nonfiction, cds, dvds, cookbooks and
scrapbooks. I think my diploma may get crowded out
as well along with my candles, tea pot and tea cup. :(
  • Four nice hardback copies of Agatha Christie novels
  • Little Men by Louisa May Alcott- I've had Little Women for a couple years but have been looking around for it's sequel for awhile and I'm excited I found it!
  • Mr. Midshipman Hornblower by C.S. Forester- This is on my classics club list and I'm excited to get it! I loved the TV series based off of the novels. 
  • The Adventures of Unc' Bill Possum by Thornton Burgess- This isn't my favorite of Burgess's novels but I was just so excited to find one there that I couldn't resist getting it. It's a beautiful old copy of it too! Burgess's books were some of my favorites growing up. 
  • The Bobbsey Twins by Laura Lee Hope- I was surprised to find this. They are an old series that my Grandma grew up reading and so did I. :)
  • The Tower Treasure by Franklin W. Dixon (aka the first Hardy Boys book)- Yeah they're kind of juvenile but I have fond memories of them!
  • Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder- Somehow I did not have a copy of this yet! Remedied now!
  • Charlotte's Web by E.B. White- In perfect preparation for my planned re-read of this children's classic this year. 
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince- I now have four, five and six of the Harry Potter series that I've picked up form various sources. Someday I'll have the complete series. ;)
There were tons of books there that were abridged copies of childhood favorites. I do NOT buy abridged books so this kept frustrating me as I would find a book I wanted than see that it was abridged. Why on earth would you abridge Anne of Green Gables????
All in all it was a great trip and I brought in a beautiful haul of books! However, let's not mention how much money I spent okay? ;)

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  1. Great haul of books!! I have never actually read Little Women (shocking, I know) and I did not know it had a sequel.

    1. It is shocking! ;) You should definitely read it. It's a great book and the sequel is great as well. :)

  2. Great haul! The abridged books drive me crazy too. I would never let my kids read them. Just read the book! Anne is not that difficult!

  3. Great haul! Harry Potter is so awesome. Somehow I have three copies of the half-blood prince! I have no idea why. I Hope you enjoy all your books!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. It is! I love them all so much... Probably too much. :(


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